High intensity frontier physics
Some questions to guide you
- What are the key differences between high intensity and high-energy fronteer machines?
- What is the idea behind high intensity fronteer searches for new physics?
- What different types of ultra-precision measurements/tests of the Standard Model do you know?
Some general, and more specific reviews
- Contributions to the High Intensity Fronteer workshop, Elba 2005
https://inspirehep.net/search?p=773__w%3AC05/05/28+or+773__w%3AC05-05-28+and+980__a%3AConferencePaper - SNOWMASS 2013 US overview of the Intensity Fronteer:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/13ioedb95r3bek5/Planning_the_Future_of_US_Particle_Physics_Snowmas.pdf?dl=0 - Flavor violation in charged leptons:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/evd0nmiop1jzhka/cLFV_shortoverview.pdf - General introduction to (heavy) flavor physics:
The proposed experiments for this workshop:
Heavy Flavor factories:
The KEKB factory and Belle2:
Lepton flavor violation:
MEGII at PSI in Switzerland:
The upgrade of MEG at PSI:
general info on the current MEG experiment:
Mu2e at Fermilab:
The Mu2e experiment proposed at Fermilab:
Mu2e conceptual design report:
Mu2e webpage:
Low mass dark sector:
CERN SPS SHIP experiment: