Neutrino Oscillations and mixing
Some questions to guide you
- What makes neutrino's so interesting? They mix, and they have mass, just like quarks, so what?
- Are neutrino's particularly sensitive to new physics phenomena? More than other precision measurements?
- What would we learn from CP violation in the neutrino sector?
- If neutrinos are not Dirac fermions, would the SM be wrong? What would be the fundamental physical meaning of that observation?
- What are the typical sources of neutrinos and how are they exploited?
- What have we currently measured and what do we deduce from that?
- What do we still need to measure and how should it be done?
- is there complementarity between facilities/techniques?
General reference material:
Phenomenological overview and interpretation of current measurements:
- hep-ph/0202058, Neutrino Masses and Mixing: Evidence and Implications by Gonzalez-Garcia and Nir. Mind that this is from jan 2003 and that quite a few key measuremenst have been reported in the meantime by miniBoone, T2K, MINOS, Double CHOOZ, Daya Bay and RENO.
Dropbox link: - A more recent, but shorter review by Boris Kayser: - particle data group review 2012 by K. Nakamura et al.
Dropbox link: - Recent review on neutrino mass hierarchy:
For the more theoretically minded:
Relation between CP violation for (low energy) neutrinos and leptogenesis:
Educational resources:
The layman essence:
Lectures and course notes:
- A nice explanation of the neutrino seesaw mechanism and the concepts of Dirac and Majorana:
Overview of existing and future facilities:
From the website of the XVth International workshop on neutrino telescopes, 11-15 march 2013
... and it's dedicated blog:
Overviews and benchmarking of future facilities:
The European Strategy for Accelerator Based Neutrino Physics:
Prospects for Neutrino Oscillation Physics:
Long baseline neutrino Oscillation Experiments:
The proposed experiments for this workshop:
Accelerator Neutrino Experiments:
Fermilab's Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and its
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE):
Fermilab's Microboone experiment:
Reactor Neutrino Experiments:
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO):